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Le Collectif (FU) Fil Utile

Braid it then!

Maison des tresses et Lacets,- La terrasse -sur-Dorlay









The Collectif (FU) Fil Utile was founded in 2020 in St Etienne. It is the result of an initiative by several committed figures in the textile industry, driven by the idea of promoting links between practices and by the desire to break out of the isolation of workshops, in a period stigmatised by withdrawal.

Together, they wish to develop synergies in order to create a network of men and women in the trade, with the aim of enhancing the value of a textile sector in constant metamorphosis, rich in meaning, turned towards new challenges, and sensitive to the essential choices to be made for the future.

Translated with www.


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Flat braid (silk et viscose), serpentine (viscose), chiffon, paint.

In the workshop at the Maison des tresses et lacets, the hypnotic round of spindles on the looms has always fascinated me.
Between straight lines and curves, the taut threads mingle in a circular journey of twists and turns.
For this project, I painted criss-crossing lines over 12 metres of fabric.

unbleached silk muslin woven in Pélussin, then I cut out circles which I superimposed, and in the centre a work of pleating all in curves and spirals enhanced by various croquets and braids, reminiscent of the moving spindles on the looms.


* English word for Croquet, zig-zag braid.

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